Letters To The Editor

Dear Virginia,

My goodness TVLA has grown up! It really has it's long panties on.

I've now read number 5 on through the current issue. I've done it the hard way as I bought back issues piecemeal and skipped from issue to issue, but believe I've correlated enough to get a cross section of what TVIA has struggled for and accomp- lished.

What a far cry now from the cheescake, skirts up and garters showing and the person to person ads - "T.V. and bondage enthusiast" of the early issues to the current issues, dignified and catering only to the F.P.

Of courst I recognize the driving force behind TVIA, you Virginia, working, plugging and exposing yourself to the hazards and misunderstandings by outsiders all the things most TVs avoid.


TVIA is bound to expand. There doubtless are thousands upon thousands of F.P.s yet to be reached. The lone souls who can be released from their tensions and guilt complexes if they can be found.

Please continue your present policy. You must run Chavalier Publications autocratically or the